October 11st

October, 18st

November, 5th-7th


Day 1:  Tuesday, November, 5th 2024
1.11.00 – 13.45Re-Registration of Presenters 
2.13.45 – 14.00Opening by MC   Introductory Speech by:   Dedi Slamet Riyadi, M.Ag. Head of Sub-Directorate of Islamic Religious ThoughtsVenue: Ballroom
3.14.00 – 16.30Panel Session 1   Invited Speakers: 1. Andar Nubowo (Maarif Institute) 2. Muhammad Imran Khan (Trinity College, Dublin – Fellow at UIII) 3. Wietske Merison (UCLA – Fellow at UIII) 4. Mang Pi (Nonviolent Peaceforce Myanmar)   Moderator: Dito Alif Pratama (PTIQ Jakarta)Venue: Ballroom
4.16.30 – 17.00Break – ‘Ashar Pray 
5.17.00 – 18.00Side Event: Book Launching and Discussion on Abdul Hakim Murad’s Work “Travelling Home: Essays on Islam in Europe” (Indonesian Version) Keynote Speech: Abdul Hakim Murad Discussants: 1. Dedi Slamet Riyadi (Translator) 2. Prof. Dr. Media Zainul Bahri (Faculty of Ushuluddin, UIN Jakarta)   Moderator: Muhammad Husnil Venue: Ballroom
6.18.00 – 19.00Dinner – Maghrib-’Isya Pray 
7.19.00 – 19.20Opening by Master of Ceremony: Isna Rahmah Solihatin & M. Ramdhani   National Anthem Indonesia Raya   Watching Opening Video of the 3rd ICROM 2024Venue: Ballroom
8.19.20 – 19.40Opening Remarks by the Director General of Islamic Community Guidance, Ministry of Religious Affairs   Prof. Dr. Phil. Kamaruddin Amin, MA.*Venue: Ballroom
9.19.40 – 20.00Entertainment Cultural Performance   Wietske MerisonVenue: Ballroom
10.20.00 – 20.20Keynote Speaker H.E. Minister of Religious Affairs Prof. Dr. K.H. Nasaruddin Umar, M.A.  Venue: Ballroom
11.20.20 – 21.10ICROM Special Talkshow  Dirjen Bimas Islam Dirjen Bimas Kristen Dirjen Bimas Katolik Dirjen Bimas Hindu Dirjen Bimas Buddha Direktur Pusat Pendidikan dan Pembinaan Konghucu Direktur Pusat Kerukunan Umat Beragama (PKUB) Moderator: Yogi Febriandi (IAIN Langsa – ISFORB)Venue: Ballroom
 21.10 – 21.40Entertainment Cultural Performance Panji Sakti                               Venue: Ballroom
Day 2:  Wednesday, November, 6th 2024
1.08.30 – 10.30PANEL SESSION 2 Invited Speakers: Mohd Mizan bin Mohammad Aslam (Naif Arab for Security Sciences, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia). Thomas Wuchte (Founder of the Center for Multilateral Leadership) Muhammad Iqbal Ahnaf (ISFORB) Peter Prove (Director Commission of the Churches on International Affairs at World Council of Churches, PaRD Steering Board) Moderator: Rifa Tsamrotus Sa’adah (STIU Darul Qur’an)Venue: Ballroom 
2.10.30 – 10.40Coffee BreakRestaurant
3.10.40 – 13.10PARALLEL SESSION 1 Topic 1A, 1B, IC, and 2  1A: Hongkong 1B: Guangzhou 1C: Beijing 2: Tokyo 
4.13.10 – 14.00Lunch Break Participants take a break, lunch, and pray 
5.14.00 – 16.30PARALLEL SESSION 2 Topic 3A, 3B. 4A, and 4B 3A: Hongkong 3B:Guangzhou 4A: Beijing 4B: Tokyo 
6.16.30 – 18.00Expert Meeting  Discussants and Committees 
7.18.00 – 19.00Dinner Break Participants take a break, pray, and dine.Restaurant 
8.19.00 – 20.00Closing Ceremony Reading of Recommendations Announcement of the three best papers.  Closing remarks: Dedi Slamet Riyadi, M.Ag. Head of Sub-Directorate of Islamic Religious ThoughtsVenue: Ballroom 

Don’t miss the chance to explore Jakarta. There are a lot of attractions to be discovered. Here, we list some for you:

MONAS – The National Monument

Monas Tower is the icon of Jakarta and also the symbol of Indonesia’s Independence Day. We can also find museum inside the tower and here, we can learn about Indonesia’s history with the dioramas in the museum. The main attraction is when we reach the top of Monas Tower and view all panoramas across the city. Don’t forget to take your fantastic and creative picture using Monas as the background.

Kota Tua – The Old Town

Kota Tua or we can called as Old Town Batavia was the most important part of Jakarta’s history. We can walk around the area and enjoy classic architecture from Dutch Colonialism Period. We can also enjoy Fatahillah Museum, rent a bicycle, take pictures and have drinks and meals at Batavia Café inside the area.

Visa Information

You should apply for a visa in person at your nearest Indonesian Embassy or Consulate in your country, although it’s possible to obtain Indonesian visas in other countries while you’re on extended trip. To apply for a visa, you must complete the application form, which can be downloaded from many consular websites. Before you plan your visit, you should find out if you need a visa to enter Indonesia. Please visit at the website of Ministry of Foreign Affair of Indonesia to find out if you need to apply for a visa and for further information. Regulations vary from country to country, and often times, from year to year.